dba design business association

The DBA and what it stands for

For nearly 30 years the Design Business Association has pioneered for effective design - where results are measured and proven. With around 400 members, it is the largest design trade association in the world.

The association believes that design, like any other form of investment, needs to be approached with a degree of caution and with measurable targets.

Does the website get enough hits?

Did the brochure result in the response that was expected?

Did the exhibition gain us the required number of new contacts?


The DBA has actively sided with like minded companies in an effort to provide a future and a voice for the design industry.  That's why we are members.  We believe in the same principles.

We are committed to following the guidelines set out by the DBA for its members:

• Best practice to achieve effective design solutions to better our clients’ business

• Competence in providing measurable value for our clients’ investments

• Professional indemnity

• Accurate and clear financial reporting

• Commitment to salaries and charge-out rates in line with UK benchmarks

• Continuing professional development of staff

• Confidentiality and professionalism


What it means for you

For potential clients who are looking to appoint a new design agency there is help and advice for you too.  The DBA has published "The Best Practice Guide" to enable you to find the right designer and solution for your business needs.


Fletcher Ward Design Ltd.   020 7637 0940    fwd@fletcherwarddesign.co.uk

Also offices in London, South East Essex, North Devon and Bangkok.